Tiingo's EOD Stock Price API gives you the maximum history available for listed tickers, which means for companies that have been around long enough, you are looking at 50+ years of history. And with coverage of over 65,000 Equities, Mutual Funds, and ETFs, the Tiingo database gives you access to one of the most expansive data sets available for US & Chinese markets.
Each day we add newly issued tickers to our database, which means our coverage - and your access - continue to grow.
Each feed is made up of at least 3 data sources on average. This means if any one of them goes down, you keep going. Secondly, this lets us implement error-checking and catch missing data and erroneous datapoints. We've implemented a proprietary data cleaning framework that allows us to quick monitor any erroneous points and apply fixes. For user reported errors, or special situations in which our automated checks do not flag a point, we have a manual override where we personally investigate the potential error. Upon resolution, we document the reason for the error in our database in order to help with future automated checking and ensure there is a fully auditable trail to reproduce the price series.
This process, both automated and human, helps ensure that Tiingo's End of Day (EOD) Stock Price API remains clean and reliable. We call this entire process our "Composite Index" Project. We treat each day for each security as it's own Index, combining, refining, cleaning, and joining disparate datastreams to create a unified, cleaned stream.
Tiingo offers the full precisions of prices, dividends, and distributions. This means we don't just stop at 3, 4, 5 decimals places, but actually show you the entire picture. We know how important backtesting is, so we understand the importance of ensuring distributions remain accurate.
We aim to have consistent uptime as well as some of the fastest severs possible with optimized in-memory caching, so we can deliver data quickly and consistently. Check out our independently-audited uptime here: Tiingo Uptime
We say quick-to-action, because anybody can respond to a ticket in 24 hours. But our team looks to solve issues immediately. Come say hello and check it out: E-mail us at Support@tiingo.com and see our response times.